What Exactly Is
Microblading is a cutting edge method of permanent makeup designed to enhance the eyebrows. It involves a certified and licensed microblading artist using a hand held tool with a very fine needle grouping to draw individual hairs, creating the illusion of full and perfectly shaped beautiful eyebrows.

Why Choose
We created a world renowned method of performing Microblading that consistently produces high-quality results.
We only use the best techniques and instruments, as well as top quality products that enhance the results of our work.
Training & Experience
I have been working as a professional makeup artist for over 20 years. I have worked with Laura Mercier for 15 years as a national makeup artist, and I also worked on the Oprah show for 5 years as a free lancer makeup artist. I have trained with the top microblading academies and have been a permanent makeup artist for 10+ years. With a career in the beauty industry for 20 years, I am knowledgeable about skin disorders which helps me deliver amazing results to my clients! I am overseen by OSHA for my practice and I am educated on workplace safety, universal precautions, cross contamination and keeping a sterile environment.
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Usually Microblading is done in two sessions. The first takes two to three hours. In the first session, the brow is shaped and styled to the client’s preference, and pigment is applied. Four to eight weeks later, the client returns for the second session for touch up. A touch up can take anywhere from one to two hours.
A touch-up is necessary because everyone heals differently and therefore results vary. Sometimes it is necessary to adjust the color and brow thickness by adding more strokes. In the touch up session, the final adjustments are made to assure the client’s satisfaction.
Touch-up appointment come in a separate fee and booking appointment.
The level of discomfort is relatively minor. Some people have reported the experience to be similar in pain to tweezing two to three hairs at the same time. Usually, a topical anesthetic is used to numb the area. Topical anesthetics are safe and may contain lidocaine, tetracaine, and epinephrine.
Redness and slight swelling in the area are common after the procedure. The feeling can be compared to the experience of a slight sunburn.
Generally, Microblading lasts six to eighteen months, depending on skin type… normal, oily, or dry, as well as the age of the client… young or mature.
Microblading is not permanent like a tattoo, because the pigments are not implanted so deeply into the skin. Skincare is also a big factor in the duration of the results. It is very important to follow aftercare instructions. To maintain the brows, touch up appointments may be done every six to eighteen months.
People that are pregnant, nursing, prone to keloids, or have health conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, allergic reaction to latex or antibiotics, hemophilia or other bleeding disorder, cardiac valve disease, or heart problems are not allowed and restricted for the treatment.
People with an organ transplant should avoid microblading altogether. The client should also be cautious if they have a compromised liver or a viral condition such as hepatitis.
Selecting your microblading artist is an important decision. Choose wisely. Compare the work of various artists before choosing. Consider training and reviews. Once you have selected an artist, discuss your expectations and desired outcome, including the shape, style, and color you wish.
Also, remember that faces are never perfectly symmetrical. Adjustments may be made during touch up, such as pigment discoloration and color correction. And finally, remember that Microbladed brows will eventually fade away if touch-ups are not done.